Dr. George G.M. James, Afro-Guyanese Author of the Groundbreaking work "Stolen Legacy: Greek Philosophy is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy"

Often-times called "the umbrella man," because he was seldom seen without one in his hand, come rain or shine; "poppycock," because it was a common word he sometimes used when disturbed by others mediocrity; still there should not have been a solitary one of us African, African American and African Caribbean academicians who did not know of the late philosopher, theologian, mathematician, scientist, professor, etc. George G. M. James and his works.

It is as criminal as not having heard or known of the person and works of Marcus Moziah Garvey, Paul Robeson, David Walker, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Hatshepsut, Malcolm-X, Martin Luther King, Jr., Langston Hughes, and so many other African historical giants of our HERITAGE which we should have enshrined during the "BLACK CULTURAL REVOLUTION" of the era some still call "…The Glorious 1960's. …"

George G.M. James was born in the British Crown Colony of GUIANA, South America [presently the "Republic of Guyana"] to the Reverend Linch B. and Margaret E. James sometime in the latter half of the nineteenth century—the exact year and date being obscure to my knowledge at this moment


He was nurtured into full boyhood, and completed his normal/elementary and advanced/high school education in his native homeland. Following this beginning he journeyed to England where he earned the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Theology degrees from Durham University.

At London University he continued his studies in the area of research, having many projects to his credit, including work towards the D. Litt degree. He left and entered the United States of America where he worked oh hie Ph.D. degree.

Added to all of this were: a Teacher's Certificate to teach Greek, Latin and Mathematics in the State of New York school system, the same being equally true for North Carolina and Florida; at the latter also as an Administrator.

His college career included two years as Professor of Logic and Greek at Livingston College, Salisbury, North Carolina; ten years as Professor of Languages and Philosophy at Johnson C. Smith, Charlotte, North Carolina; two years as Professor of Mathematics and Dean of Men at Georgia State College, Industrial College, Georgia; one year as Professor of Social Science at Alabama A. & M. College, Normal, Alabama; and five years as Professor of Social Sciences Arkansas State College, Pine Bluff, Arkansas.

In 1954 he published the long-awaited challenge to the Greeks having fathered "GREEK PHILOSOPHY"; thus his book Stolen Legacy. This was, unfortunately, the same year he mysteriously died after having left his job and friends at Pine Bluff, Arkansas for Nashville, Tennessee. This type of erratic behavior was never typical of the highly disciplined GEORGE G. M. JAMES.


Source: Dr. Yosef A. A. ben-Jochannan "In Pursuit of George G.M. James'  in nbufront.org for complete bio visit: nbufront.org